Transformoney Tree
Our current form of currency is increasingly turning from a neutral medium of exchange into a system, solely based on our trust, that mortgages the present moment for a seemingly never arriving future payoff.
Interaction with the Transformoney Tree could help us with the shift from a fragile mono-money-culture to a diversified world of many alternative currencies, providing tools for exchange of various forms of value as a necessary alternative for our current debt-based-system, which is focusing on infinite economic growth on a finite planet.
Participants will be able to pick Exchanghibition Banknotes from the tree, while decorating its bark by gluing real banknotes onto it. In the process of interaction those banknotes will lose their financial value, but will add value to the artwork.
Are the roots of this tree the roots of all evil or the roots of all happiness? Hopefully they’ll become the roots of a new consciousness!
Money has become almost a part of our Nature, so it’s difficult to realize that for a big part of their history humans have lived without Money, and maybe this will be the case again in the future. But even long after Money will be gone, Nature will still be there and we might still be able to pick things of real value from trees.