5 months ago


'NEXT PLANET' made at the “FishArt. Participatory Art for the Ocean" event at the Port of Anzio, using old fishnets and trash found by fisherman in the Mediterranean Sea.


Organised by PLATOON Alliance and Rawdrivers with support of the Municipality of Anzio and the commitment of the Environmental Office. FishArt is also part of the United Nations Ocean Decade initiative and supported by the European Commission through the New European Bauhaus Program

The Mediterranean Sea covers less than 1% of the global ocean, yet it is one of the planet’s greatest sources of marine and coastal biodiversity.

More than half a billion people live in the 21 countries that make up the Mediterranean region, which is home to more than 10,000 plant and animal species—nearly 30% of which are found nowhere else in the world.

Like the rest of the ocean, the Mediterranean Sea faces a host of dire threats, including overfishing, plastic pollution, climate change, ocean acidification, and marine debris. On top of these marine ecosystem pressures, the Mediterranean Sea is already warming 20% faster than the global ocean average due to climate change.